Friday, August 30, 2013

Leader, What is a leader? Is it someone who puts on a florescent hat and stands in a commanding position pointing at a task to be done? No a leader is someone that is aware of a task that needs to be done. A leader takes off his suit coat, rolls up his selves and  seeks assistance to complete a task. A leader is not afraid to admit when he needs help, and does not bail out leaving the work for others. A leader is humble but daring, gentle but quick, calm but ready for battle. Being a leader is something that sounds fascinating because of bragging rights or better pay, but behind the curtain is a puzzle that needs solving whether it takes hours or years. We should not be afraid to step up but we should always be aware that if we step up it is because we plan to see this challenge to the end and beyond the outcome will make you a great leader or "not". Like Sponge Bob says "I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready".

Friday, August 23, 2013

Ethics at work.

Ethics: what is this ? does it have something to do with manners? Is this about what is right and wrong or is this a topic for snobby high-class people?  Well I've learn that ethics is not manners but is related to manners because it is a guideline as to how to approach certain events in life for example if you area at work and you started on your task immediately but your co-worker who is suppose to work with you on this assignment has family issues. So you are doing your best and finish when your boss comes in He is so excited that he offers a gift card for 100 dollars just for doing this job quickly. the gift card is for both of you to share.  You do not want to get your coworker in trouble so you just smile and agree. Well ethics is when your co-worker says, I have been having problems sat home and my partner has been doing all the assignment so I will forfeit to the gift card and want to also congratulate my partner on the job well done.  Ethics is not about what is right or wrong, but rather how your actions affect those around you. Finally Ethics is not only for the high class Every human being has a responsibility tho mankind weather poor or rich. We have an obligation to analyze what we do and how it affects us, the people around us and our home, Planet Earth.

Monday, August 19, 2013

How could it be.

8-19-13  How could it be I look in the mirror and the woman in the mirror is not looking back at me. Has it ever happened to you? your life gets so hectic and stressed that when you look in the mirror you walk away instantaneously because time is running. Remember when you were sixteen you'd wake up very early, before sunrise even, to fix your hair in that manner that looked so natural? Remember spending time picking out the outfit for the day? Hurry,  what hurry? Now if you are my age think about your mornings. Think about how that bed seems to become a magnet and it seems like you just went to bed few minutes ago, and no matter how much you sleep in on the weekends you just can't make up for lost sleep. Life gets very hectic so much that even your private time in the RR is not respected kids are outside your door yelling "Mom". Well not all is lost. There are no ways to escape it weather you area stressed at home or at work. There are however ways to alleviate this dilemma.
Get out for a minute walk with your kids when the sun is begging to set. Get out of the office on your break walk around the parking lot sit under a tree, feel the breeze. Listen to your favorite music. Go to a quiet place and just sit or stand or lay what ever it takes. And when you are done sit back on your desk and start an agenda (be sure to add time for this special break in it) plan, most important things first so don't cheat yourself.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Slowly but Surely

Yes, "slowly but surely", ever heard the expression, " best things come to those who wait"? Well if you didn't then you must be living in a cave. Anyhow, it is very true. I am as I've said before, currently, in a clerical class and boy is it hard. Not that I can't just that it requires plenty of dedication. Reading is involved,(Boy is it involved) if you skip a sentence you might skip a whole function and be completely lost. There's another saying, "with  hard work comes great pleasure" (or maybe I've just made up a new phrase) the point is the outcome will be spectacular. I'm not preparing to be a doctor or a lawyer or something really big but in my book this is big. We all play a role in the great circle of life and just like math is found in almost anything, clerks are found almost everywhere. Well enough shattingI must get back to my Microsoft Office Word  book Have a wonderful day. till next time.

Friday, August 2, 2013

no words v/s A Thousand Words

It is so not only important, but rather crucial, that you dress for the part "A picture is worth a thousand words" we have heard that saying time and time again. It is so true, In this case it is crucial, it makes a difference between being hired and being fired. Not only at the time of being interviewed should you dress professionally but rather every day you work.  And surprisingly your appearance is not just composed of the clothes you wear but rather involves your whole personality, the way you sit, how you speak, the way you carry about. Manners, the grip on your handshake all fundamental parts of how you might appear to someone you just met. In conclusion I would rather leave my interviewer so impressed that  he/she is speechless,  instead  using a thousand words to describe how unacceptable I am for the job I applied for.