Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Slowly but Surely

Yes, "slowly but surely", ever heard the expression, " best things come to those who wait"? Well if you didn't then you must be living in a cave. Anyhow, it is very true. I am as I've said before, currently, in a clerical class and boy is it hard. Not that I can't just that it requires plenty of dedication. Reading is involved,(Boy is it involved) if you skip a sentence you might skip a whole function and be completely lost. There's another saying, "with  hard work comes great pleasure" (or maybe I've just made up a new phrase) the point is the outcome will be spectacular. I'm not preparing to be a doctor or a lawyer or something really big but in my book this is big. We all play a role in the great circle of life and just like math is found in almost anything, clerks are found almost everywhere. Well enough shattingI must get back to my Microsoft Office Word  book Have a wonderful day. till next time.

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