Monday, September 23, 2013

Verbal Communication Skills

What are communication skills? Depends on the two parties communicating. I so do not know sign language therefore it wold be very difficult to communicate with someone deaf or mute.  However I do have the ability to speak which enables me to communicate with those who are able to speak and hear.  There are many instances when just being able to hear and speak is not enough we need that special touch that ability to not just hear the other person, but to actually listen to what he/she might have to say.  If you sit down and turn on the radio just because it is loud enough that even your neighbor can hear it, doesn't necessarily mean you are listening to it you might be planning what you will cook for dinner so even if your favorite song is playing your mind is in the kitchen.  To demonstrate your communication skills you need to block out distractions when trying to communicate.  An open mind is very necessary and also the desire to receive the message being conveyed.  In practicing good communication skills you must be able to observe and interpret body language.  Sometimes the person talking to you  is upset or nervous and cannot verbalize to the best of their desire what they need or want to say. Good communication skills involves controlling your emotions if you work in a department store and a customer comes in angry you need to understand the customer is not necessarily angry at you most probably the problem is the merchandise and the customers day was set off b the situation.  This is an example of a case where you put to work your listening skills and try to the best of your ability to make this story have happy ending.  If you feel your emotions are in danger of taking the best of you then get someone else to help the customer by politely saying, "I would like you to walk out of here happy let me get some one who can help you out with that.

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