Friday, December 6, 2013

A Job Intervview

My clothes are neatly pressed, My resume is updated and I carry three copies, you never know what  could happen. I am very excited that I was called in for an interview.  I realize there might be dozens of candidates for this job, I will not allow this to bring me down however.  I practice answering possible questions I might be asked.  I am asked, "What are your weakness?"  It is obvious that we all have weaknesses.  If I tell the interviewer my weakness it might count against me, my weakness is taking orders from my peers,  I lost a friend because of it.  My ex-friend and I  were both working in the same facility.  I was always calling the shots because I had been there the longest and my friend would always do as I suggested.  Eventually I became just a regular employee, and was in a position where I was commanded to do something by my peer, thinking that I knew what was best I refused to do so, (not just on one occasion bu on several). I realized that at one time the person who headed our department had given the orders that I refused to follow, boy was that a slap in the face.  This to me was a slice of humble pie.  Yes I learned that it is important to be able to work together and that at times one will come and will be giving me orders even if we hold the same position and I've been in the company longer.  Think, think deeply about your strengths and weaknesses and be honest and truthful, be willing to learn from your mistakes, and grow as you face certain challenges. Don't be afraid it has been proven that honesty is compensated while punishment is received when being dishonest.
Don't be afraid and don't stress on any part of the interview. Be honest if you find there is a question you simply can't answer, be honest in an intelligent manner tell the interviewer you don't have an answer but you will be happy to look into it.  Remember this interview will only last a few minutes but the rest of your life may depend on the outcome. Prepare, be ready, and do not act insecure.  Your nervousness may make the employer nervous about hiring you.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


When you receive mail at home just by looking at it you know if it is important.  Well not in the workplace especially if you work for  a big company.  You never know if an envelope has a simple advertisement or a contract has been anxiously expected, if you decide you are going to work for an executive you better put on your reading glasses get a cup of coffee and concentrate.
Make sure that you are very thorough, don't fall under the impression that everything is propaganda.  The rule is when you have a stack of mail on your desk set aside items marked confidential to make sure you do not open those.  Next step would be to sort three categories on the bottom you should place items that are clearly advertisement or entertainment like; magazines, newspapers and so on.  On top of this section are placed the items that are not so urgent like regular mail, announcements that hold dates a month or more away.  On the very top you would place items that are urgent and need immediate attention.  Below urgent matters you need to place those items you set aside marked personal unless they are marked personal and urgent.
Here is the tricky part though.  Most mail does not have the works urgent  and sometimes they don't even say personal on the outside.  Your boss has developed a trust in you enough to allow you to handle his mail.  don't disappoint him/her,  Read the mail thoroughly and it comes in handy assure  that you have a pen and sticky notes at hand when you begin opening mail, even paperclips just in case.  Sometimes the mail has extra papers which are mentioned in the front either by the full word enclosures or by the initials Enc.  Your job is to make sure that all mentioned documents are in the envelope if not make sure you add a sticky note bringing this to your boss' attention, in doing this you also cover your back, this tells the boss that it was the sender who forgot to add the enclosure and not you who lost the extra documents.  It also helps if you get to the mail at the time of day when you know there will be less interruptions.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Traveling internationally is a little like being poor, just kidding  wow! I am from another country so I did travel internationally bu not by airplane I was not so lucky. I rode on a bus for three days.  Yeah!, you can imagine it was pretty tiring especially since I was a restless little six year old girl..  My parents came to this country seeking to give me a better future.  I read up on air travel and, did you know that traveling by airplane can be classy or just like riding a  bus for three days with the exception that by airplane you would not need to travel  for three days. I have yet to look up how long is the longest plane ride.  well if you plan to travel by airplane you need to do some homework.  Some airplanes can allow more baggage than others and there are regulations as to how much shampoo you can carry.  There are different choices as to how you may travel.  there confined seats and spacious seats it all depends on how much you can afford.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Participating in a meeting

The work of the administrative professional is endless.  If you are not acquainted with the term the translation would be clerk.  A clerk can be responsible for so much at time the clerk needs to fill in for or pick up the work of someone in a different department.  Therefore the administrative professional must be prepared. There is a place and time to catch up, on changes and update on future projects.  The time is company meetings.   Meetings evaluate the company's progress, and they asses future plans.  It is vital for all participants to prepare well by taking notes.  write down ideas for the future, and concerns about the past. Take notes at meetings and follow up on those notes.  Also participate, everyone's input is valuable, but be careful not to dominate the discussion. Personally I have a habit of thinking humbly, this means I don't want to draw attention to myself and sometimes this is not the appropriate approach as we sit through meeting. I have some good ideas which should be mentioned.  Some times there is no mention of negative aspects or possible outcomes and even though we think them we don't mention them, failing to bring up certain things can end up costing the company loses.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Finance and Investments

Personal Finance and Investment Strategies:  May seem like a boring subject to read about but it is so essential.  My life is not a good example I've not been taught about saving but rather about survival.  How can I plan ahead when I've not met the balance line.  I'm near forty years old and I have no savings, stocks or bonds, instead I have many, many, many debts.  It all started when I was born.  Born into an immigrant family not only poor in their original country but also poor in this country.  My parents divorced when I was nine my mother knew that in our country we would never get out of poverty she tried believe me she did. My mom attempted to sell things like corn on the cob, she put on a little store in our home, when all else failed she went to people's houses and cleaned and did laundry.  I know because I remember being with her. What about my Dad you wonder well he, to make a story short they divorced and my mother brought her four children to this country to find a better life. My mother worked in the fields sun up to sun down. One thing I remember is her saying, "The only thing I can give you is a chance to finish school and try to make a better life for yourself.  And here I am almost forty and barely learning about the need for a savings and stock purchases.  Don't get me wrong I did make one smart move, well my husband and I,we purchased a home ten years ago so we only have twenty more years to go.  But I see that as an investment for our retirement.  I feel that I've been irresponsible because I should have my excuse is that I have had to work minimum pay jobs and I have tried to do the things that my mother couldn't.  Not a valid excuse I know.  The fact is for those young readers you need to set aside and not touch at least $5 dollars a week in one month that's twenty, in one year that's for a young person that is good.  Adults you make a good wage so $20 a week is more reasonable and do the math.  Set a goal like a vacation,or a new car or a hose even the more you put dawn as payment the less money you'll loose in interest.  Stock market is like gambling sometimes but sometimes it is a good way to get a head-start on that savings account.  Employers also offer ways to save for your retirement like the 401(k) where you place aside a certain amount from every check and some employers even match the amount you put aside.  Allow your self a relaxed old age by preparing for it now.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Electronic records management

Managing records is work it is time consuming and sometimes a challenge.  But even in these, technology has made things easier.  With computers we can organize files easily because we have a feature that organizes things alphabetically.   There is however still the need for human touch, we decide what to program on the computer for example; we know how much time a document needs to be stored and when it needs to be discarded.  We have regulations and methods that need to be applied in order for a business to run smoothly. When managing electronic records we must first identify the record is ti automated, individual or a database record. After identifying the records you must manage here is a rhythm involved.  Managing records begins with creation and storage.  Use and distribution are also involved. Maintaining a file seems easy because it is in the  computer but again human touch is called for because sometimes we need to move files from one computer to another or to an external source like a hard drive or a DVD.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Managing records

Managing records is knowing what needs to be filed and what needs to be discarded.  What needs to be filed is not just placed in a basket, it is organized in a specific manner.  What needs to be filed is filed for a reason. Documents are filed to obtain backup  for certain reasons, i.e. for legal matters,  financial reasons, for historical purposes,and for daily operations.
When managing documents one must take special precautions.  You would think that it is just tucked in on the file by the first letter according to the alphabet.  Well it makes sense, but what if there are five Mary Wilson, or 7 Harold and Sons Inc..  There is more depth involved in filing.  Yes the alphabet is used but there are other rules like for example; did you know that a file with a number is filed before the letter A?  And did you know that number 5 would be filed before roman numeral V? yes and don't get me started on government documents they are a little more challenging.
We also have different types of record storage systems, just to give an example we have your regular filling cabinets, you know  that grey,  four drawer, metallic thing, it is called a vertical file system.  There is another form of storage the one you see in a doctor's office or a clinic this type of storage is called open shelf filing system.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Global Communication Skills

Technology is so advanced, it used to be that a mail man would carry any messages, memos, reminders, love letters. Now we text, tweet,Skype wow! "I do love Skype". Businesses are the ones who benefit the most, now they can hold meetings with people from other countries without any member leaving his or her country. It is truly amazing what we have accomplished and exciting to think what we are yet to accomplish.  We do however need to hang on to our values and principals, ethics are still very important.  We are not in a cave where we can speak loudly and answer the phone without worrying that we are having lunch and invading someone space or meal by being loud and inconsiderate.  Remember, with with great powers comes great responsibilities.  Using our technology requires that we be responsible.  For example; When using the web, we cannot go shopping on company time with the company equipment, we should not use company time to get caught up on our social life. we should not put our selves or our company in danger by being irresponsible with our passwords. And don't forget next time you go to a meeting or a seminar the person talking put a lot of time and effort into the program so be courteous and pay attention don't play with your phone/tablet or try to catch up on your e-mails at this time if it is something urgent excuse yourself and step outside, better yet turn off your gadgets before you enter the room. Remember play responsibly!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Verbal Communication Skills

What are communication skills? Depends on the two parties communicating. I so do not know sign language therefore it wold be very difficult to communicate with someone deaf or mute.  However I do have the ability to speak which enables me to communicate with those who are able to speak and hear.  There are many instances when just being able to hear and speak is not enough we need that special touch that ability to not just hear the other person, but to actually listen to what he/she might have to say.  If you sit down and turn on the radio just because it is loud enough that even your neighbor can hear it, doesn't necessarily mean you are listening to it you might be planning what you will cook for dinner so even if your favorite song is playing your mind is in the kitchen.  To demonstrate your communication skills you need to block out distractions when trying to communicate.  An open mind is very necessary and also the desire to receive the message being conveyed.  In practicing good communication skills you must be able to observe and interpret body language.  Sometimes the person talking to you  is upset or nervous and cannot verbalize to the best of their desire what they need or want to say. Good communication skills involves controlling your emotions if you work in a department store and a customer comes in angry you need to understand the customer is not necessarily angry at you most probably the problem is the merchandise and the customers day was set off b the situation.  This is an example of a case where you put to work your listening skills and try to the best of your ability to make this story have happy ending.  If you feel your emotions are in danger of taking the best of you then get someone else to help the customer by politely saying, "I would like you to walk out of here happy let me get some one who can help you out with that.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Proper ways to write.

Writing is the easiest thing to do: last night i got hungry so i went to the frige to get me a cup of milk and then i couldn't sleep so i decide to watch some t.v  then i bla bla bla... Notice anything wrong? plenty, writing is not just about using the alphabet and jotting down whatever pops into your head. To write good you must organize your ideas.  A fair amount of knowledge in grammar is also necessary.  Not only are this necessary in a job this are a must. Especially if you work for an office. In an office you also need to know which type of format to use for a letter. A business letter is very different from a personal letter, In e-mail there's also a different format.  Think it's important to add fancy vocabulary words in a professional letter?  Guess again, unless you are turning in a term paper, your writing needs to be understandable, short, and sweet. This I learned today.

Monday, September 9, 2013

customer service

"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link".  Ever heard that expression?  Well I came across it curiously as I was preparing a project for my church. And it clicked. How funny life is that we can apply things unto our personal ,professional,social and spiritual life.  This goes to show how everything is connected and tied together just like a chain, you probably expect me to start writing about my spiritual experiences but as divine as they are it would be unprofessional. I wish to connect this phrase with a profession at this time. Lets say that the chain is a company. Let's pretend I am its weakest link. I am a female and men say females have emotional instability one day I can be very sweet and understanding and the next I can be throwing my house  out the window. Well non of these should affect my performance at work. Remember leave your dirty laundry t home. We must leave our troubles at home and prepare mentally and emotionally for what is needed from us at work. To provide good customer service we must be sincere no matter what the customer is like we must show respect and courtesy.  Remember "Pretty Women" How would one know how a customer can affect a company, always treat a customer like if he/she were the king/queen of England. Sincerity means to try to understand what the customer wants, to try to provide the services or the resources for the customer to acquire what he/shed needs. For all we know the customer might have been all around town frustrated and angry because he/she did not find what was needed and here we are sitting in a well ventilated place doesn't cost much to go to a a shelf, to make a phone call ,or to write on a piece of paper information for the customer. Remember one can bring dozens in by just putting a good word. And better yet your name and picture could end up on that Employee of the year board.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Leader, What is a leader? Is it someone who puts on a florescent hat and stands in a commanding position pointing at a task to be done? No a leader is someone that is aware of a task that needs to be done. A leader takes off his suit coat, rolls up his selves and  seeks assistance to complete a task. A leader is not afraid to admit when he needs help, and does not bail out leaving the work for others. A leader is humble but daring, gentle but quick, calm but ready for battle. Being a leader is something that sounds fascinating because of bragging rights or better pay, but behind the curtain is a puzzle that needs solving whether it takes hours or years. We should not be afraid to step up but we should always be aware that if we step up it is because we plan to see this challenge to the end and beyond the outcome will make you a great leader or "not". Like Sponge Bob says "I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready".

Friday, August 23, 2013

Ethics at work.

Ethics: what is this ? does it have something to do with manners? Is this about what is right and wrong or is this a topic for snobby high-class people?  Well I've learn that ethics is not manners but is related to manners because it is a guideline as to how to approach certain events in life for example if you area at work and you started on your task immediately but your co-worker who is suppose to work with you on this assignment has family issues. So you are doing your best and finish when your boss comes in He is so excited that he offers a gift card for 100 dollars just for doing this job quickly. the gift card is for both of you to share.  You do not want to get your coworker in trouble so you just smile and agree. Well ethics is when your co-worker says, I have been having problems sat home and my partner has been doing all the assignment so I will forfeit to the gift card and want to also congratulate my partner on the job well done.  Ethics is not about what is right or wrong, but rather how your actions affect those around you. Finally Ethics is not only for the high class Every human being has a responsibility tho mankind weather poor or rich. We have an obligation to analyze what we do and how it affects us, the people around us and our home, Planet Earth.

Monday, August 19, 2013

How could it be.

8-19-13  How could it be I look in the mirror and the woman in the mirror is not looking back at me. Has it ever happened to you? your life gets so hectic and stressed that when you look in the mirror you walk away instantaneously because time is running. Remember when you were sixteen you'd wake up very early, before sunrise even, to fix your hair in that manner that looked so natural? Remember spending time picking out the outfit for the day? Hurry,  what hurry? Now if you are my age think about your mornings. Think about how that bed seems to become a magnet and it seems like you just went to bed few minutes ago, and no matter how much you sleep in on the weekends you just can't make up for lost sleep. Life gets very hectic so much that even your private time in the RR is not respected kids are outside your door yelling "Mom". Well not all is lost. There are no ways to escape it weather you area stressed at home or at work. There are however ways to alleviate this dilemma.
Get out for a minute walk with your kids when the sun is begging to set. Get out of the office on your break walk around the parking lot sit under a tree, feel the breeze. Listen to your favorite music. Go to a quiet place and just sit or stand or lay what ever it takes. And when you are done sit back on your desk and start an agenda (be sure to add time for this special break in it) plan, most important things first so don't cheat yourself.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Slowly but Surely

Yes, "slowly but surely", ever heard the expression, " best things come to those who wait"? Well if you didn't then you must be living in a cave. Anyhow, it is very true. I am as I've said before, currently, in a clerical class and boy is it hard. Not that I can't just that it requires plenty of dedication. Reading is involved,(Boy is it involved) if you skip a sentence you might skip a whole function and be completely lost. There's another saying, "with  hard work comes great pleasure" (or maybe I've just made up a new phrase) the point is the outcome will be spectacular. I'm not preparing to be a doctor or a lawyer or something really big but in my book this is big. We all play a role in the great circle of life and just like math is found in almost anything, clerks are found almost everywhere. Well enough shattingI must get back to my Microsoft Office Word  book Have a wonderful day. till next time.

Friday, August 2, 2013

no words v/s A Thousand Words

It is so not only important, but rather crucial, that you dress for the part "A picture is worth a thousand words" we have heard that saying time and time again. It is so true, In this case it is crucial, it makes a difference between being hired and being fired. Not only at the time of being interviewed should you dress professionally but rather every day you work.  And surprisingly your appearance is not just composed of the clothes you wear but rather involves your whole personality, the way you sit, how you speak, the way you carry about. Manners, the grip on your handshake all fundamental parts of how you might appear to someone you just met. In conclusion I would rather leave my interviewer so impressed that  he/she is speechless,  instead  using a thousand words to describe how unacceptable I am for the job I applied for.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July a hot month, some years scorching hot this year it feels like spring.  At least to me it does.  My life took a new turn, I recently enrolled in a training to enhance my abilities.  I was at home day after day tending to my husband, my kids, my home.  My life was peachy, until my youngest entered school.  I started to volunteer in his class, eventually I ended up helping in the playgrounds and the office.  The schools' secretary, a precious gift from God to those around her, encouraged me to submit an application to to the school and get paid at least for playground supervision.  Before I knew it I was no longer a homemaker.  Well since I was making money I started wasting money (not spending, wasting) and found that the pay I received for supervising the playgrounds was not enough.  I took a test to see if I could work in the office (for pay of course) but did I pass the test? "no" just like a baby is not born walking I was not born filling properly, typing at the proper speed, or with the  knowledge of all this technology around the world.  And that brought me to this pleasant, springlike moment, back to school feeling.